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Get Involved

Zion Lutheran Choir

If you love to sing, the choir needs you!  The choir season begins in September and continues until after Easter. We provide special music during Lent, Easter Advent and Christmas, and throughout the choir season. The highlight of our musical year is the Christmas Cantata.  We meet on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm. We welcome all levels of singing talent.  Beginners are very welcome!

Ladies Aid and Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML)

These two mission groups are combined and provide mission opportunities in the community and throughout the world.   Also, if you love to cook, this is the group for you.  The Ladies Aid Society helps prepare and serve meals at church events throughout the year.   The LWML makes quilts and prepares school kits for Lutheran World Relief.  We also support world missionaries.  We also collect small “Mite” offerings which are combined to provide very substantial financial support of mission project in the United States and throughout the world.  


The LWML also attends inspirational Lenten presentations held in the district.  We meet on the second Wednesday of the spring and fall months at 1 pm.  We hope to see you there!

Zion Banner Committee

If you love crafts or sewing, this is the group for you.  We make several banners a year to glorify God and beautify the sanctuary.   Come join us!


Other opportunities for mission, ministry and fellowship include the committee to prepare the flowers and set-up Holy Communion for worship, the Adult Fellowship Club, and serving as a church officer or church elder.


Join us as we share the GOOD NEWS and great joy of Jesus with those in our community who do not know Him!   We reach-out by personal contact, mailings, etc. to those who do not have a church home, and also do in-reach to our inactive congregation members.  


OTHER OPPORTUNITIES for mission, ministry and fellowship include the Adult Bible Study Group, the Flower Committee, the Communion Set-up Committee, the adult Fellowship Clubs, and serving as a church officer or church elder.

© 2024 by Zion Lutheran Church

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS)

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